What’s Stopping Us From Being Great? Us!

The only thing stopping me from reaching greatness is myself. It has always been.

I dreamt of becoming a writer. Yet I quit English courses, finding myself struggling with perfect grammar. Neglecting my dictionary, not reading as much book as I had wanted. Then I grew up and fell in love with French.

I dreamt of going to France again, that time for an internship with the embassy. For that I would need to take French major in college. My parents said it’s too far from home. I didn’t even look for more information. And another dream just past by. Then I played violin.

Solo for YSL - 2008
Solo for YSL – 2008

I dreamt of playing with a major orchestra. I almost joined a quartet, yet I find myself struggling keeping pace. My fingers just don’t move as fast, and my doubt forbids me to play a perfect piece.  I lost my confidence as I realized I couldn’t kept up with metronome, having no one to teach me how to adjust my pace and not having it naturally in me. Then I worked.

I dreamt of becoming a successful career woman. I guess being too stern and intimidating kept me walking on the same spot, not making progress, not adding new abilities, not adapting as better. I overthink things, and people passed me by with fresh ideas. Then I got married and moved around.

Mom at Beijing - Visiting her parents' birthplace in China
Mom at Beijing – Visiting her parents’ birthplace in China. Only a mother can implies her strength to their children. Her thoughts, her dreams, and her hopes will live on through us.

So here I am. At point zero. Looking back at my path, my past, and people I’ve met along the way. Appreciating every opportunity and regretting mistakes I had made. I played violin, acted as main role in a major theater, worked as a Communications consultant. Sometimes I wonder what difference would it make if I focus in one thing and be really good at it. Was I afraid? Maybe. There was a lot of excuses, a lot of doubts, and not enough supports both mentally and financially.

What’s stopping me? I guess you and I know that the answer is, well, mostly me. Maybe I should have pursued and focused on one of them before it’s too late. Maybe I shouldn’t quit either of them. Sometimes in life there was a hectic point where you just move on from one point to another without thinking carefully the impact it would made to our future. It’s important to take time and think again, who do you want to be? What do you want to do in life?

You don’t have to be a genius to be a President, but you do have to work hard and make your way up the political ladder. You don’t have to be a prodigy to be a famous soloist, although you do have to practice more than those who were born with talent. You can do whatever you want and be whatever you want to be, as long as you put your mind to it.

There will always be those supporting you, as there will always be those doubting you. In the end, you’re the only one who can make the decision to move forward, fail, get up, focus, and succeed. Only then, those who once doubt you would give a salute. So, have you reached your dreams? If you haven’t, what’s stopping you?

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