Do You Like Mr. Grey?

It's about time I confess to you how lazy I have been. I blame the medication. My ongoing allergy. Lack of exercise pinning my body tighter to the sofa. Anxious wanting to get busy but I just happened to have a lot of free time that I wasted doing I don't know what. A lot... Continue Reading →

Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

I joined a military spouse group a few months ago, and one of them refer a money makeover class at home by Dave Ramsey. I thought it was just another self-help budgeting book with extra tools to help. Then I look into it on the net, and it appears he uses a rather traditional principal... Continue Reading →

Septimus Heap – Enter a New Fantasy…

If you love Harry Potter, or you simply like children and fantasy book, then you will definitely like Septimus Heap, written by an English author Angie Sage. Septimus Heap is a series of fantasy novels entitled Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, andSyren. There is one last book to complete this series, The Magykal Papers - a... Continue Reading →

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