My Late Cinnamon-Clove Dad

Can someone smells like cinnamon? I got a new essential oil the other day that says ‘Rescue Charm’, hoping the scent of eucalyptus oil and lavender would help with the cold my boys are having. There was also rosemary and a hint of cinnamon and clove. I was expecting a spicy zen-like scent, yet I... Continue Reading →

My Not-So-Natural Birth Story

Life moves on fast like lightning, especially since I gave birth. I’ve wanted to write about how my labor progresses although it all seemed quite insignificant now that the baby is here. I still want to tell you why I chose to have a natural birth, why I didn’t know an induction was performed, the... Continue Reading →

Time for a Change – Blogging 201 

Pregnancy has made me confused on how much I'm comfortable with sharing my thoughts and pieces of my life, especially when my trail of thoughts have been so jumbled up in findng as much information about pregnancy, birth, and baby as possible. I wonder if it would be more special if I share my experience... Continue Reading →

The Traveling Souls

Traveling souls wander from tree to tree, Cloud to cloud, different shape, different feelings. A hint of world embossed in the traveling air, Opening mind, consciousness. Small in this vast earth, unseen yet presence. Cows eating grasses by the meadow off the freeway, Horses from afar sniffing the air and the land it stands. Food... Continue Reading →

The Ugly Beginning of House Remodeling

Can't believe how fast time flew when you're so focused on something. We were busy tearing apart this new old house, making changes here and there, not knowing where to start. We've never even paint a wall before! My father used to own a cabinetry/furniture shop and he built every wood pieces in his house... Continue Reading →

When Would Love Suffice?

One of those days when I looked back at my past See things I’ve done, people I’ve loved and still love Have you ever stopped loving someone? Perhaps you were brokenhearted, over and over It hurts so bad you never really love again Or maybe you happen to forget how to love Or what it... Continue Reading →

4 Days in D.C. (and around)

I used to wonder how big United States really is, although it appears that the cultural diversity amazes me more. I came from Indonesia where there are vast diversity in ethnicity, religion and cultural yet we became one. I've been to several States and I couldn't say the same, at least not until I visited... Continue Reading →

It was Christmas Eve. We decided to have a wonderfully cold Christmas Eve under the Rockefeller Christmas Tree, watching ice skaters twirls around the rink. It was pretty, yet it was too packed with people. Most of them were tourists, like me, spotted by the flickering excitement in their eyes and their eagerness to took... Continue Reading →

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