My Late Cinnamon-Clove Dad

Can someone smells like cinnamon? I got a new essential oil the other day that says ‘Rescue Charm’, hoping the scent of eucalyptus oil and lavender would help with the cold my boys are having. There was also rosemary and a hint of cinnamon and clove. I was expecting a spicy zen-like scent, yet I... Continue Reading →

To My Sons – If I didn’t Survive

This is a crazy world we lived in. My childhood was spent running outside Climbing trucks and hiding under a tree. I’m sorry we didn’t explore outside as much To see flowers under mountains, or Rainbows on cascading waterfalls. Now it’s too late to go out. I raised you a germophobe for a reason In... Continue Reading →

Grief is Usually Too Late

Grief. So many people are griving in the world right now. The present day's challenges are changing the way we live our lives. We adapt to it. We evolve, like humans always have for centuries. Yet grief remains. I’m lucky to be healthy, to stay home and stay safe with my boys, my spouse, and... Continue Reading →

Forgive Me, Son.

So much chaos. So much pain. Agony, conflict, arguments. Life is hard for a 3.5 year old. New school and new faces without parents nearby. Being told not to this or that without being allowed to wail, whine, and cry. I’m scared. Scared to wake up in the morning and having to hear him scream... Continue Reading →

Sharing on Social Media: Yes/No?

I put a hold on social media last year. I can count how many times I opened Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. I removed hundreds of friends from Facebook, those whom I never get in touched with for years or who never interacts with me on Facebook. I mean, people spent a lot of efforts... Continue Reading →

Christmas: Tradition or Religious Celebration

What is magical about Christmas and what are we celebrating on Christmas? It was supposed to be celebrating the day Jesus was born. Though I feel that it’s now mostly about the Christmas trees, the uplifting Christmas songs on the radio, the crisp winter air, the joyous decorations in the neighborhood, the Christmas Lights show,... Continue Reading →

Parenting is Hard, so Let’s Not Judge

Parenting is hard. I think anyone can agree on that, especially if they have a spirited child. Unlike happy cooing babies, spirited babies often shrieks for reasons we cannot predict (food too cold, room too hot, too much noise, too bright, toilet flushing sound, etc.). We often called A the shrieking banshee back when he... Continue Reading →

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