Forgive Me, Son.

So much chaos. So much pain. Agony, conflict, arguments. Life is hard for a 3.5 year old. New school and new faces without parents nearby. Being told not to this or that without being allowed to wail, whine, and cry. I’m scared. Scared to wake up in the morning and having to hear him scream... Continue Reading →

The 22 Precious Days

It was only 3 days ago when this sweet and curious little boy slept on my lap, with his arms stretching out towards me. Earlier that morning he jumped to my bed softly, rubbed his soft striped face onto mine before settling down next to my head, his breathe flew to my ear softly in... Continue Reading →

The Traveling Souls

Traveling souls wander from tree to tree, Cloud to cloud, different shape, different feelings. A hint of world embossed in the traveling air, Opening mind, consciousness. Small in this vast earth, unseen yet presence. Cows eating grasses by the meadow off the freeway, Horses from afar sniffing the air and the land it stands. Food... Continue Reading →

You Don’t Have to be Perfect

Being an introvert makes it difficult for me to share my thoughts to people around me, including (especially) family who could be so judgmental and temperamental altogether. Growing up I never really had someone to talk to, although I have older siblings and cousins telling me what to do, how to do things right, and... Continue Reading →

World Beyond My Reach

There are worlds I cannot understand. World beyond my reach. I tried to be part of them, but I cannot. I was once a part of, but the world continues without my presence. Who am I after all, that world has to revolve around me? We are tiny bits of flesh in a paradise of... Continue Reading →

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